
June 25, 2024

Senior Pets Find Their Senior People

When Sally Brook and Luna go for walks in her West Berkeley neighborhood, Brook likes to describe, out loud, what’s going on around them.  “This house has a very big dog that’s going to bark when we go past,” she tells Luna. “But don’t be afraid.” Luna is an 11-year-old terrier...
November 29, 2023

The Loneliness Epidemic

Explore Kensington
February 27, 2023

Explore Kensington

Like the serene and regal oak that stands in its center, the Kensington Circle community has seen many changes over the years, endured and flourished. Though most online searches list the small, neighborly village as “Berkeley,” it...
Living Yoga
February 27, 2023

Living Yoga

Although yoga is practiced avidly throughout the west, practitioners are often unwittingly perpetuating a misconception of yoga that may actively cause harm, according to some yoga teachers. Considering that the root of the very word yoga is...
Oakland, CA; Adams Point and Lake Merritt Lakeshore with amazing view.
December 23, 2022

Lake Merritt

Local residents and frequent visitors to Lake Merritt might think they know everything about what has long been considered a “crown jewel” of Oakland. But much like an image appearing in a mirror held up to the city in which it is a centerpiece, the lake that is actually a lagoon and harbors the nation's first wildlife refuge reflects a layered, complex, intriguing history.
Explore Point Richmond: painting by Jim DeWitt
November 25, 2022

Explore Point Richmond

In many ways, a stroll around Point Richmond is a stroll back through history—only with fun shopping and great food. The village was the original town of Richmond, and a rip-roaring one it once was too, when the railroads and then the oil workers arrived. Many of the 19th to early 20th-century buildings still exist, many still in use, adding to the period charm.
financial benefits of marriage
October 25, 2022

The Financial Benefits of Marriage

While marriage could be a boon to your bank account, it could also leave you in temporary or permanent financial straits. But getting to know your mate’s mindset towards money and their financial situation will play a crucial role in reaching your happily-ever-after goal. Addressing financial topics isn’t romantic, and some couples might find talking about them uncomfortable; it’s a must do before saying I do.
wedding caterer confessions
October 25, 2022

Confessions of a Wedding Caterer

My very first day as a server for a wedding catering company, I learned an important lesson: Weddings are not for the faint of heart. Whether you’re a guest, a worker or an expectant fiancé(e), the day dawns bright with the promise of high emotions, festivity and very little time to sit down and relax.
Offbeat wedding venues like UC Botanical Gardens make for an unforgettable ceremony.
October 25, 2022

Offbeat Wedding Venues

For those wanting to stay local, here are some ideas for offbeat wedding venues that might just be the solution for an unforgettable—and unique—ceremony. Be aware that pent-up demand during the pandemic has meant a flood of weddings, so be prepared to book any of these offbeat wedding venues as far in advance as possible.