
September 27, 2024

What’s good for you?

The older I get, the more health and wellness rule my life—not to mention, of course, the whole global pandemic thing. Having once lived in the “healthiest” state in the U.S. (Hawai’i, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), and now that I’m back in the...
Local educator launches Roborubrics for the classroom
August 28, 2024

Local educator launches Roborubrics for the classroom

There’s a robot takeover happening in some American schools. Don’t worry; they’re not the Hollywood anthropomorphic bots that respond in “beep boop.” These ones are far more intelligent, and they’re making teachers’ lives easier. When Oakland-born educator Sam...
Realistic optimism for the Best of the East Bay
August 28, 2024

Realistic optimism for the Best of the East Bay

We’re in a time of transition. Between summer and fall. Between vacation and the start of a new school year. Not to mention the ongoing roller coaster between now and the November election. Locally, it also seems...
What Love Means
June 25, 2024

What Love Means

When my partner and I started looking for our first home together, at the top of our must-have list was a yard for our 10-year-old Vizsla. Like most of his breed, “Mango” was athletic and sensitive—his favorite...
Paddling Offers Perspective in Open Waters
June 25, 2024

Paddling Offers Perspective in Open Waters

There’s something in the water in Alameda, and it might be a group of 50 8th graders in kayaks: Sea Trek just opened a second location at the Ballena Isle Marina after over three decades leading kayak...
New Neuter Rules Recommended for Cats and Dogs
June 25, 2024

New Neuter Rules Recommended for Cats and Dogs

East Bay animal shelters are in for quite the rewiring if county dog fixing standards catch up to the new vet-recommended age guidelines for neutering. But it may also relieve some of the pressure on owners struggling...
Policies in Peril as Fire Risk Rises
June 25, 2024

Policies in Peril as Fire Risk Rises

On the afternoon of Oct, 19, 1991, Beth Keer hiked up Sonoma Mountain with a friend. After some time, the pair looked back and spotted a plume of smoke in Oakland’s direction. Frantic, they rushed down the...
Taste Test: Our Food & Drink Issue!
April 22, 2024

Taste Test: Our Food & Drink Issue!

During periods when I spend a lot of time online, my world becomes smaller. Meals are sometimes the best chance for me to be present with real life, to be a human with human needs. Beyond necessary...