.Letters from our Editor

April 22, 2024

Taste Test: Our Food & Drink Issue!

During periods when I spend a lot of time online, my world becomes smaller. Meals are sometimes the best chance for me to be present with real life, to be a human with human needs. Beyond necessary nourishment, those workday lunches become opportunities to savor—not just flavors, textures and...
music in the park san jose
Good Gourd!
October 23, 2023

Good Gourd!

Autumn is the season of the middle-aged. Its harvest is abundant, yet with heartier fare; more savory gourds than sweet berries. Leaves turn colors and fall off trees (read: the graying and receding of hairlines). Many of...
Conversations With Strangers
September 26, 2023

Conversations With Strangers

In a previous life (aka, my 30s), I spent a lot of time in bars. Partly, because it was my job—first as bartender, then as nightlife columnist. It’s also where friends and I would go to flirt,...
The Art of Living
August 24, 2023

The Art of Living

This summer, my partner and I hosted our first art salon. It’s not as pretentious as it sounds! Gathered in our backyard on benches and pillows, friends sang, played guitar, recited poetry and epic limericks, acted, danced...
Letter from our Editor, "Better Than All the Rest"
June 26, 2023

Better Than All the Rest

We all have our faves. Our go-to’s for takeout. The same special place we reserve for celebrations. The restaurant we return to when we’re sick of it all. Our usual spots to buy books or groceries or...
Food, Glorious Food
April 26, 2023

Food, Glorious Food

It’s one of life’s simple pleasures. And I’m not just speaking anecdotally. A recent study conducted by OnePoll determined that food-related activities comprise one-fifth of the top 50 things that bring us joy. Among these are: a...
My School of 'Stiff'
February 27, 2023

My School of ‘Stiff’

As an undergraduate studying marine biology, I became aware of the droll reality of scientific pursuits too late. I’d like to blame it on that one chemistry class I had to retake three times. Or my somewhat...
The Rainbow Connection
December 23, 2022

The Rainbow Connection

Many moons ago, my preschool teacher asked each of us kids sitting in a circle to share our race or ethnic heritage. One by one, my classmates proudly declared that they were “Korean” or “Black” or “white.” When it was my turn, I stood up and said, “I’m chicken!”—crossing the signals of being told I was “Chicana,” or Mexican American, to hilarious effect.